Do you ever feel like some of these stores are simply taking advantage of you, Mom? They expect you to shop at their stores even if they don't offer something as small as free shipping. Then they have the audacity to offer a meager 10 or 20% off discount on your next purchase! Seriously, who needs these rip off stores? You can take a stand! You don't have to shop when big name stores tell you to.
I created a book for savvy shoppers, people who want to do better when it comes to shopping before, during and after Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Please show your support and check it out. This is a guide to help you search for the best deals year round including Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Enjoy! If you like, please review. It is now available as a printed book, click here. But if you prefer the e-book version, shop here: Black Friday, Cyber Monday Strategies to Use Year Round by Nicholl McGuire
Happy New Year. I seldom make New Year’s resolutions anymore (no more than
once a year!) but this year I made one and I’m determined to follow
through. It’...